[NOTE: This is a 3-session workshop. The first session takes place from 10am – 2pm on Saturday, May 12. The second and third sessions also take place from 10am – 2pm, on May 19th and May 26th.]
In this beginner-level workshop, participants will create a toy that functions like an etch-a-sketch, in that this toy draws with the help of an arduino microcontroller and two stepper motors. In the process, participants will learn how stepper motors work, and how they can be controlled with an arduino. They will also learn the basics of microcontrollers, and how to create simple arduino sketches. This workshop is made possible with support from the Ohio Arts Council.
About the Instructors
Dr. Alison Colman’s first venture into new media and digital art was as an undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University. She continued on this path as a freelance computer animator and graduate student at The Ohio State University, where she received her MA and Ph.D. Most of her coursework was through the Advanced Computing Center for Art and Design at The Ohio State University, where she developed a strong interest in 3D animation, digital art, cyberculture studies, art criticism, and education. She has published scholarly articles on digital art and theory in journals such as Visual Arts Research, Studies in Art Education, and the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, written artist reviews for the Tate Gallery Online and Furtherfield.com, and has lectured on digital art and art criticism nationally and internationally. Her work has also been screened at Siggraph, the Parsons School of Art and Design, and the Big Muddy Film Festival.
After teaching in the School of Art at Ohio University, Athens from 2002-2007, Dr. Colman founded the Fuse Factory Electronic and Digital Arts, where she has served as its founding director up to the present. Under her direction, the Fuse Factory has served hundreds of new media and sound artists and experimental electronic musicians from around the U.S. and Ohio, along with thousands of people around central Ohio, through its performances, exhibitions, and workshops.
Jesse Hemminger is a true renaissance man, jack of all trades master of none. Jesse received his BFA in Art and Technology from OSU in 2001 and his MFA in Public Art from the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany, in 2008. He is also a self taught computer programmer and when Jesse is not at his day job programming databases and websites you can find him building Sauerkraut Powered Robots or making Glowie Monsters at his studio at ILLIO.